Ertech was contracted for earthworks for the Contractors Village to support Phase One of the Olympic Dam Expansion Project (ODP1).
Olympic Dam Contractors Village Bulk Earthworks
Project Overview
Fast Facts
- Client BHP
- Location Roxby Downs, SA
- Year of Completion 2012
Scope of Works
- Site establishments
- 84hA Clear and grub
- Contractors village bulk earthworks
- Roxby Downs Substation bulk earthworks
- Relocation of potable water supply line around the Village area
- Major drainage for the Contractors village and Roxby Downs substation
- 10,000m3 turkeys nest construction
- 36km HDPE PN16 pipework- 125mm and 280mm
- 128,000m3 topsoil
- 205,000m3 cut to fill